Monday, July 6, 2015

Boring Venezia

Boat of the Venezia in tow, port of Livorno
The boat of the “Venezia” comes back in tow after a training session.
Boat of the Venezia in tow, port of Livorno
Boat of the Venezia in tow, port of Livorno
Yesterday they won the most important race of the rowing season, the “Palio Marinaro”.

See also: Palio Marinaro - Palio Marinaro 2011 - Palio Marinaro 2012 - Palio Marinaro 2014
Search labels: rowing


  1. Boring? No way! Exciting to be aboard.

  2. So nice that they get a tow after all the hard rowing work of winning the race.
    I love that first exciting photo!

  3. I like that first shot with the boat underway but with no one rowing. :-)

  4. Congratulations to the strong men!
    Great images.

  5. Boring must be good, 'cause it appears they are good! Nice shots, VP, esp. that first one!

  6. They look too smug VP, the day of their defeat will come, just think how exciting that will be :)
    P.s. super shots!

  7. they didn't have enough power to row back?

  8. Good for them but I guess that perhaps you need a change of winners... Love the top shot, I just want to jump in the water!

  9. Worth the effort! Congratulations!
