Friday, July 10, 2015

Assemblage Magnétique

Assemblage Magnétique, Magnetic Assemblage, Livorno
We see around many things called sculptures, some good, others funny, but many of them have nothing to do with Bernini o Rodin. In the spirit that (almost) everybody can do it, I am publishing a photo of my first ‘sculpture’. This work is obviously titled in French: “Assemblage Magnétique” (Magnetic Assemblage).

There is a special ‘bravo’ for who is going to identify the kind of recycled stuff used for this ‘artwork’. (It was made with hard disk magnets and their holders)


  1. Wow, VP, good on ya! It is beautiful and creative! May your first sculpture be the key that opens many doors to a new artistic career.

  2. I have been looking at this.... trying to find something I recognise, but I can´t explain it in Norwegian nor in English. Let me know when you will have your exhibition in Norway. I might recommend a place for it.

  3. Very creative, VP !
    Let me try, I guess these are recycled pieces of an office equipment, maybe a desk :)

  4. Cool, VP, and by giving it a name in French makes it seem much more mysterious.

  5. Bravo! You have done something great! It appears to be a dental torture chair! The art museum is waiting! :)

  6. You have done a wonderful work of art.
    However, it resembles a dentist's chair for me :)

  7. Something to do with hinges or closures for doors? ;-)

  8. An IT guy would probably recognize these parts at first sight. I have already said that there are magnets involved...

  9. Oh that is too cool VP, you are a sculptor!! Is it parts of an old typewriter ?

  10. I'm with Karl. Some sort of office stuff, staplers?

  11. Are the parts from can openers? That was my first thought seeing this 'creature'.

  12. Next stop the museum of modern art...

  13. Oh, now I get it. We are all obviously not IT people. Glad you explained.
