Monday, June 29, 2015

Squirting Cucumber

Ecballium elaterium, squirting cucumber, Via Salvatore Orlando, Livorno
We all know that it's a bad world out there, but one would not expect to be attacked by a plant. This happened a few days ago when I tried to photograph some strange bulbs in Via Salvatore Orlando: they repeatedly popped, squirting something in my direction. Only after the fact I have learned that these plants are called squirting cucumbers, and now I know why...

External link: Ecballium elaterium (Wikipedia)


  1. How odd and interesting! I have never heard of such a thing. Glad you liked my bench today. I thought of your blog when I saw it.

  2. Very funny! That would be a big surprise getting squirted by a cucumber plant! But I'm glad you survived the attack! :)

  3. I hope it didn't damage your camera and it's a good thing you didn't have a reaction to them.

  4. You sure make unusual enemies.

  5. Squirting cucumbers? I never knew they existed.

  6. nature is full of surpriqse , i watched a video , very impressive ! :)

  7. What a surprise, VP, never heard about this...!

  8. Oh gosh, I don't think I've ever seen these or heard of them! Missile plant is what I'd call it!

  9. I've never heard of these. But I will know to be careful if I ever cross their path!

  10. An exploding cucumber? That really sounds weird!

  11. Oh ny! I confess I have never heard of these squirting cucumbers before. :)

  12. No way VP! How very peculiar, who knew you had to beware the simple cucumber :)
