Sunday, June 21, 2015

Rope Barometer

Rope Barometer, Via Saragozza, Bologna
I have an absolute distrust in weather forecasts, because they are almost always wrong or simply exaggerated. I wonder why people keep listening to the demented words of these charlatans, like they were an oracle: compared to this even a horoscope looks like science. On the other hand, I have recently discovered a serious and well-thought device that can help us against these apostles of the uncertain weather, and I am glad to share it with you. It is an ancient contraption called “Barometro a corda” (Rope Barometer), and you can easily build your own.

Rope Barometer

Rope dry: sunny
Rope wet: rainy
Rope stiff: freezing cold
Rope moving: windy
Can't see the rope: fog or you drank too much
Rope gone: somebody stole it
(This is not from Livorno: I found it under the porticoes of Via Saragozza, in Bologna)


  1. Ha! I'm reading this even as I await the arrival of TS Bill. Better check my rope barometer. :-)

  2. I don't trust the forecasts either.

  3. The weather forecasts are ALWAYS right. When they say there is a 90 percent chance of rain and it rains, they were right. If it doesn't rain, well, that was the 10 percent likely outcome.

  4. We have two: and
    I choose the most promising one....
    Still waiting for the summer:)
    Perhaps i should make a sign and put it out in the garden?
    Nice find and a good idea you have here:)

  5. La conosco...รจ ormai una tradizione! Ciao, Arianna

  6. :)). This might be usedul for the Dutch as well, the weather is always point of discussion here.

  7. Haha! Love it VP and I'm very pleased to hear it's not only the weather forecasters in Perth that get it wrong all the time :)

  8. Hilarious. Gotta get me a rope.

  9. Very funny. I've seen several variations of this theme and I love them all!

  10. Good one!! ;-) There was a 90% chance of rain and thunderstorms here all day today! It has been sunny and warm all day!!

  11. I've seen something like this before and it made me LOL so much!

  12. So good! Thanks for the laughs VP.

  13. I have seen something similar here in English, with a rock fastened to the end of the rope.

  14. Very nice, VP !
    I like especially the last sentence :)

  15. The rope method is amazingly accurate. ;)

  16. Forecasters have done a good job in my area. Which is bad as the weather is bad. Two Summer days so far in June.
