Friday, June 19, 2015

Lady Mara

Bicycle abandoned on the lungomare, Livorno
It has been a while since my last post of “bicycle art” and I hope you will appreciate the drama of this work placed on the lungomare, not far from the new building at the Scoglio della Regina.

“Call me ‘Mara’! That’s because the Almighty has dealt bitterly with me.” (Ruth 1:20)

Search labels: bicycle art
External links: Bicycle Art (Inspiration Green)


  1. The line between art and a heap can sometimes be very close!

  2. VP, this is a lovely work of art. That is a good thing, because it would be hard to ride it.

  3. Do you think the wheel was stolen? Around Ft. Lauderdale people often remove the front wheel and take it with them. Love the Biblical reference. I was not familiar with that one!

  4. So sad. It has been a beautiful bike when it was "young".

  5. How sad. Lots of bicycles get stolen here in Berlin. I heard a story that on one street robbers cut down trees in order to get the bikes off. Everyone came out in the morning to see half-trees and no bikes. :( (Don't know if it's true though!).

  6. Oh, I love this photo, VP !
    You should make a whole series and then a calendar with this "bicycle art".

  7. I think it's nice to call this art and see a positive sight :)

  8. Marleen - It is an old joke of mine. There are so many miserable things called 'art' today, that one is practically free to see it everywhere he likes...

  9. I do love your bike art VP! Looking back the building you first hated is developing into rather a nice area, love the paving and can't wait to see what kind of sculpture they put atop the stairs.

  10. Me encanta fotografiar bicis, tu imagen me parece fantástica


  11. I am so with you VP. So many things call art now. This one is a great example of it! Have a great weekend my friend.

  12. Great one! I have seen a person park a bicycle, take off the front wheel, and carry the wheel away with them so no one would steal the bike. Unusual, but perhaps it works.

  13. A common sight here unfortunately.

  14. Tough to get some traction here.

  15. I would never have thought to connect the bike's name with the Hebrew word "mara," bitter. Good one, VP!

  16. Sad. Very sad, especially for the owner.
