Friday, April 24, 2015

More Cannons

Old cannons used as bollards, Molo Novo, Livorno
The first cannons recycled as bollards we have seen were those around the North Lighthouse. There are many more around the South Lighthouse at the other end of the “Diga Curvilinea” (Curvilinear Breakwater).
Old cannon used as bollard, port of Livorno
Old cannon used as bollard, port of Livorno
Two more cannons are quite at hand at the entrance of the Porto Mediceo: one is just past the pilots' boats, the other lies by the green light of the port.

See also: Two Cannons - The North Lighthouse - Green Light


  1. Love that lighthouse! And the green light. Glad that the old canons have been repurposed.

  2. Sort of like swords into ploughshares. :-)

  3. That's quite a different use. I really like the setting.

  4. The buildings and lighthouse are massive and heavy with stones.

  5. Cannons to bollards? That is not a use I would have come up with.

  6. I like the idea of recycling cannons. Make barriers, not war.

  7. I wish we had so many old cannons to repurpose like that.
    Did they really put a solar panel on the lighthouse?

  8. This is a good use of old cannons.
    Love the first shot !

  9. The lighthouse is very different from ay I have ever seen! It's very attractive!

  10. Many of London's bollards are recycled old canons. A much better use of them in my opinion.
