Friday, April 10, 2015

April 10, 1991

Plaque in memory of the victims of the Moby Prince disaster, Porto Mediceo, Livorno
In the late evening of Wednesday April 10, 1991, the ferry “Moby Prince” collided with the oil tanker “Agip Abruzzo” just outside the port of Livorno. An extensive fire ravaged the ship and there was only one survivor, the other 140 on board were killed by the fire or toxic fumes. A plaque at the entrance of the Porto Mediceo remembers the names of the victims.

External links: Moby Prince disaster (Wikipedia)
See also: Moby Prince - Nineteen Years - Twenty Years


  1. Terrible tragedy and a very sad memory; certainly deserves a memorial.

  2. Oi, so many killed, so tragic.
    How did it happen, that two big ship collided, I wonder.

  3. That's a somber, but necessary reminder.

  4. It seems that I remember this, but can't be sure. Terrible tragedy but it's good the victims have been remembered.

    I like the symmetry in this photo very much.

  5. Impossibile quella nave ci salii un'estate andando in Sardegna...ciao, Arianna

  6. I don't remember that accident. Horrible.

  7. I was not aware of that disaster. Very sad.
