Monday, March 30, 2015

The Busts in the Council

City Council Chamber, Town Hall, Livorno
Eight busts of famous Livornesi are hosted in niches along three walls of the City Council Chamber. The room goes back to the years after World War I and was not originally part of Town Hall proper. It was connected to the main building through a footbridge with a view and was completely refurbished in 1994. Until then the room was facing south, toward the side without busts.
Bust of Enrico Mayer, Town Hall, Livorno
Bust of Angelica Palli, Town Hall, Livorno
Enrico Mayer (1802-1877)
Pedagogist and writer
Angelica Palli (1798-1875)
Bust of Carlo Bini, Town Hall, Livorno
Bust of Enrico Pollastrini, Town Hall, Livorno
Carlo Bini (1806-1842)
Writer and patriot
Enrico Pollastrini (1817-1876)
Bust of Giuseppe Orosi, Town Hall, Livorno
Bust of Francesco Bonaini, Town Hall, Livorno
Giuseppe Orosi (1816-1875)
Francesco Bonaini (1806-1874)
Philologist and palaeographist
Bust of Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi, Town Hall, Livorno
Bust of Vincenzo Malenchini, Town Hall, Livorno
Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi (1804-1873)
Politician and writer
Vincenzo Malenchini (1813-1881)
Soldier and politician

See also: Town Hall - Footbridge with a View - City Council
External links: Enrico Pollastrini - Francesco Domenico Guerrazzi (Wikipedia)


  1. I think the general idea for council chambers have been continued here.

  2. Magnificent busts. Quite a grand room.

  3. A wonderful to memorialize important people,

  4. Nice. And nice that one woman, a writer, got in too.

  5. What a beautiful (and interesting) busts collection !

  6. Love the room - a worth renovation. And the busts - well, they, too, are well done and a paean to immortality. Sort of.

  7. Excellent busts, and I like the style of the room.

  8. Glad to see at least one woman included!

  9. RedPat stole my line. It's strange that none were added in the XXth century...

  10. It's so much fun to visit the town hall. You made some nice discoveries in this room!

  11. What a pretty and stylish place.
    Angelica was the only woman... so I guess she must have been very special.
    I love here name as well as all the other names.

  12. What a great way to remember important people from Livorno's past.

  13. The busts do add a note of dignity to the room.
