Monday, March 16, 2015

A Diabolical Endeavour

“Errare humanum est, perseverare autem diabolicum”
(To err is human, but to persist is diabolical)

Bike sharing station, Piazza Cavour, Livorno
It took more than two years and a change of Administration, but at last even our local daily has acknowledged on its front page that our bike sharing system is a disaster and a waste of public money.
Bike sharing station, Largo Fattori, Livorno
It was also easily foreseeable to anyone who has lived in Livorno even for only a few months: here public property is enthusiastically vandalized and any kind of bicycle is systematically stolen, with absolute impunity.

See also: Five-Thousand-Euro Bicycles - Waste of Money - Bike Sharing
External links: Poche, rotte e sconnesse: il “bike sharing” è a terra (Il Tirreno, in Italian)


  1. I understand that probably it wasn't necessary for the city and a waste of municipal money but nevertheless it is sad that it didn't work. DC has a wonderful bike system and it works really well with more and more stations all over the city and more dedicated bike lanes.

  2. Sorry to hear that bike sharing hasn't worked. San Diego has a public bike system. To unlock a bike from a station it takes a credit card, so these bikes are seldom stollen.

  3. so very sad to hear .. we have a very populate shared bicycle program where we live .. it is not public and there is a cost and there are security controls in place .. but people love the bikes.

  4. Wave bye-bye to another good idea.

  5. Sad to hear that there are so many selfish people living in Livorno.

  6. Sad that it hasn't worked. Our bike sharing system, in season when it's used, seems to work pretty well.

  7. It seems to be working here but needs to be expanded more across the city.

  8. That's a real shame because despite some vandalism, on the whole it does work here. And we're talking about France, and more specifically Paris...

  9. Oi, sad pictures and a sorry situation. Does it mean the City is abandoning the bike idea, or are they diabolically persisting?

  10. That's a shame VP I guess these ideas don't work everywhere.. as for the graffiti and vandalism, that does seem to work everywhere.. unfortunately!
