Thursday, February 26, 2015

February Cat

Cat, Porto Mediceo, Livorno
A cat inside the Porto Mediceo. By the way, it has been a while since the last time I saw our friend the grumpy cat...

See also: Watch Cat - The Grumpy Cat - Killer Gaze
Search labels: cat


  1. This cat looks like it has spotted something very interesting. I hope the grumpy cat is alright!

  2. ha, you have a kitty and i have a doggy today! i hope grumpy cat is ok!

  3. Such a nice shot, the cat's paw in mid-air and tail up like a flagpole.

  4. Beautiful fellow, I suppose you have many cats there...

  5. A very focussed look on its face. Is it sneaking up on a pigeon? :)

  6. My Molly could pass for her twin or at least a very close sister. Beauty.

  7. Hope grumpy cat is OK, it's a tough life out there for feral cats although your friend here looks fine.. Am still trying to decide what to do about my two little sweeties :)
