Sunday, January 11, 2015

New and Old

Dogana d'acqua, new building, Livorno
We have already seen last month that the glass panes of the new Dogana d'acqua try to reproduce the likeness of the old building. You can check if the effect works, confronting the above image with the old postcard below.
Old postcard, Dogana d'acqua, Canale dei Navicelli, Livorno
Dogana d'acqua, Canale dei Navicelli, 1902

(Postcard digitized from the collection of Antonio Cantelli)

See also: Glass Panes - PIUSS - Scali Cerere Footbridge - Customs on the Water - Dogana d'acqua - Canale dei Navicelli - Leopoldine Walls
External links: Canale dei Navicelli (Wikipedia)
Search labels: postcard


  1. It's certainly creative thinking, whoever came up with the idea.

  2. The availability of postcards like this is amazing.

  3. Nice to see the old and the new.

  4. I give them credit for trying.

  5. You are a lucky person who have these old postcards.
    Still lots of work to be done. Looks good.

  6. I like the comparison with the old postcard.

  7. Pretty close, I'd say. Nothing like the real thing, though. But give them a star for trying! It's a beautiful building!

  8. I like the modern interpretation of the old building. And I really like being able to compare the new with the old.

  9. If the restoration looks anything like the original when it's finished it will be brilliant VP.. loved the reflections in the photo you linked to.

  10. Glass is glass and stone is stone. But it is such an interesting attempt to blend the two.

  11. Ah well... they tried. It doesn't look too bad.
