Sunday, December 14, 2014

Glass Panes

Dogana d'acqua, new building, Livorno
A more up-to-date view of the new Dogana d'acqua, seen from the Scali Cerere Footbridge.
Dogana d'acqua, new building, Livorno
The body of the main structure is now being covered by glass panes decorated with the likeness of the old building.

See also: PIUSS - Scali Cerere Footbridge - Customs on the Water - Dogana d'acqua - Canale dei Navicelli - Leopoldine Walls
External links: Canale dei Navicelli (Wikipedia)


  1. Great combination of views, VP. Gives a clear sense of what's being done and how.

  2. I know you were critical of this in your previous post, but I must differ. This looks like it will be a lovely addition to the area.

  3. How interesting. I've never seen such a thing.

  4. Interesting job.
    And wonderful reflection.
    Have a happy weekend.

  5. How'd de do dat?
    Now, that's an idea that I've never seen. Old back to NOW.

  6. It's coming alone nicely and I like it a lot! Very fine photo too - great symmetry and contrast (square or rectangular windows vs. the arches below).

  7. Looks nice.

    I like the close up image, where I can see the work they are doing.

  8. Starting to look like a real building now.
