Sunday, December 28, 2014


Esselunga is an Italian retail store chain which controls about 9% of the Italian grocery distribution market and has been trying for thirteen years to open a supermarket in Livorno. Our city is a fiefdom of sorts of Coop, in theory a consumers' cooperative, but actually the largest supermarket chain in Italy.
Former FIAT complex, Viale Petrarca, Livorno
The old Administration didn't make things easy for competitors and always managed to authorize new retail spaces for Coop. After the epochal change of the last local elections, it seems that Esselunga will be able to open, with the new Administration's blessing, a large store in the complex that once hosted the local branch of Fiat.

External links: Esselunga - Coop (Wikipedia)
See also: A New Mayor - City Council


  1. Grocery wars. We've had a few of those here as well.

  2. That's all very interesting. Freedom, it seems, means to be in good with whomever is in power. It's the same here. Local city councils or county commissioners decide who lives or dies (commercially speaking) using a variety of criteria, most of which is "under the table."

  3. It sounds quite... complicated. More so than it needs to be.

  4. Let's hope those doors are unlocked soon for some healthy competition.

  5. But the bottomline in any grocery war is... cheaper prices across the board? That'll be the true test.
