Sunday, November 30, 2014


Dogana d'acqua building, Livorno
PIUSS is an acronym for “Piano Integrato di Sviluppo Urbano Sostenibile” (Integrated Plan for Sustainable Urban Development), which is part of the V Axis of the POR CReO, or “Programma Operativo Regionale Competitività Regionale e Occupazione” (Regional Operational Programme Regional Competitiveness and Employment).
Dogana d'acqua building, Livorno
I didn't made this up: the works going on around the Dogana d'acqua are part of a PIUSS project, another one is what I have called a horror in plain view. This is a form of co-financing between public subjects which other cities use to fix parks or create pedestrian areas. We build strange new buildings around old ruins.
As you can see in this rendering of the project, we also insist in digging useless bodies of water in a city with a lot of potholed streets and too few parking areas. (The first picture was taken in August and the second in October)

See also: Scali Cerere Footbridge - Customs on the Water - Dogana d'acqua - Canale dei Navicelli - Leopoldine Walls
External links: Canale dei Navicelli (Wikipedia)


  1. :-) At least those bodies of water look like nice places to park your boat.

  2. It's going to end up looking very strange.

  3. Someone is going to have some nice views.

  4. That is rather incongruous - the building looks odd and out-of-place. I like your sense of humor, though.

  5. Oi. We can certainly understand why you are PIUSSed off about this.

  6. I think Randy's comment is right.

  7. A Lucca i progetti Piuss son tutti saltati! Ciao, Arianna
