Friday, November 28, 2014

Mailmen's Building

via San Giovanni, Livorno
I made up the name of this apartment building: it doesn't have a name, but it was built in Via San Giovanni in the early 1900s for the employees of what was then the Royal Italian Mail. It has an inner court and some interesting reliefs on the facade and also all around the top floor.


  1. Ah, but where are their post boxes?
    Do you get mail delivered to your house in Livorno?

  2. Bel palazzo per le poste! Ciao, Arianna

  3. Like a lot of old buildings, looks plain from a distance. Up close, it can be a different story.

  4. It's a big building, it's a big building, in the early 1900s there must have been many more postmen than now...

  5. It still looks in pretty good shape. I was thinking there are a lot of apartments in it, even with a courtyard. You got the name right!

  6. I think it is quite beautiful. Quite utilitarian, but with simple style.
