Friday, November 14, 2014

I Like You a Lot

Declaration of love posters, viale Caprera, Livorno
Last August it was Yemanja, while in October it changed to this. Now it is a declaration of love of sorts: “Greta: ma te lo devo scrivere sui manifesti che mi garbi un casino??? Tommaso V.” (Greta: but have I to write it on posters that I like you a lot??? Tommaso V.)

See also: Yemanja - After Yemanja
Search labels: mural


  1. "Mi garbi"? So, does he merely "like" her? :-)

  2. Well now that takes devotion!

    And a whole lot of paper.

  3. I think that is more than mere, "like".

  4. That is a big effort for just liking her.

  5. I've heard of "wearing your heart on your sleeve" but this wall is even more public!

  6. I don't know if the artist of the mural would be 'in love' with what this gent has done here.

  7. LOL, is this a new way of making art or is it a true declaration of love?

  8. I hope they will have a happy long life together..
    First Greta has to find out a few things, that perhaps will take a bit of time....
