Friday, November 7, 2014

Fiat 508 Balilla

Fiat 508 Balilla, Tuttovela, Livorno
The Fiat 508, better known as Balilla, was the first model of car in Italy affordable for the average person.
Fiat 508 Balilla, Tuttovela, Livorno
The 508 was small, lightweight and easy to drive: in 1937 Fiat produced over 110,000 Balillas.
(Pictures taken last April)
External links: Fiat 508 (Wikipedia)
Search labels: vintage car


  1. That is quite a nice looking car. It is hard to believe that it was an availably priced car.

  2. I'd be to afraid to turn the key. I'd crack it up before it left the showroom.

  3. Era un amore! Quando la vedo ai raduni non smetto piĆ¹ di ammirarla! Ciao, Arianna

  4. Goodness me. I've driven F.s forever and didn't have a clue about this beauty!

  5. Italian Style!
    Greetings from Norway from a Fiat owner:)

  6. Wow, a lot classier looking than Germany's VW that was meant for Everyman.
