Sunday, November 9, 2014

El Atlas Medici de Lorenzo Possi

We do not know much about Lorenzo Possi beyond that he was a military engineer who mostly worked at the service of the king of Spain. At the end of his career he was rewarded for his services, by the Grand Duke of Tuscany, with the title of commander of what is now the Fortezza Vecchia, in Livorno.
Piante di Estremadura e Catalogna, El Atlas Medici de Lorenzo Possi, 4 Gatos, Badajoz
Here Possi prepared “Piante di Estremadura e Catalogna”, a detailed atlas describing, with plans and views, the fortifications he had contributed to build in the Iberian Peninsula.
After completing this work in 1687, he dedicated it to Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany, the son of Cosimo III. The first printed and annotated edition of his book was presented last October in Spain by a group of scholars of the University of Extremadura, at Badajoz. The authors also used some pictures from our blog, with our permission. They were also so kind to send us a fresh copy of this wonderful book.

External links: El Atlas Medici de Lorenzo Possi - 1687 (4 Gatos, in Spanish)
- Cosimo III de' Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany - Ferdinando de' Medici, Grand Prince of Tuscany (Wikipedia)
See also: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. It must be satisfying to have your photos included in a scholarly book. Congratulations.

  2. Oh, finally some honest people and a reward for your fine photos! Enjoy the book.
    The drawing is so nice.

  3. Next time I'm in Livorno, I'd like to leaf through it. And finally someone who asks for your permission and thanks you elegantly!

  4. I'm the editor of the book. I've always thought that it's a question of honestity. It's a non-commercial book and VP had very good photos that we want to include in the book. We thought that at least we should ask him for permission and obviously send him a copy.

    By the way, in the book we give many many interesting facts about Livorno in the XVIIth century.

    Best regards to everybody. Carlos
