Monday, October 27, 2014

The New Scaffolding

Dutch church, chiesa degli olandesi, scali degli Olandesi, Livorno
It is good to see that a new scaffolding is being erected on the facade of the Dutch church. With the still scarce funds now available they will be able to stop the decay, preserving the building from further damage and at least partially securing it.

See also: Dutch church - A Good Start - Works Have Started
External links: Temple of the Dutch German Congregation (Wikipedia)
Search labels: Dutch church


  1. Wonderful to see it is being preserved.

  2. It looks like a great deal of work must be done, but this is at least a start.

  3. You all have done a lot of work to reach this welcome stage of the rescue.

  4. it is a beautiful old church, glad to see they are fixing her up a bit!

  5. Let's hope that it can be restored to its former glory. 'Tis a fine structure. I like the bird (gull?) flying above the building, too!

  6. I like the round windows. It must be very nice from inside too.

  7. A lot of restaurations in Livorno in these last years...

  8. I'm sure this makes you happy. It is clear from your posts over the years that you love this church.
