Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Porto Mediceo at Sunset

For six years, since 2009, we posted almost 700 photos of our port, showing many different boats and ships. Now, if you wish, you can browse them all on our new board Port of Livorno. Like in any Pinterest board the images are linked to the original posts.
Porto Mediceo at sunset, Livorno
The Porto Mediceo at sunset: cruise ships, ferries, bunker tankers and a pilot boat.

External links: Port of Livorno (Pinterest)


  1. This one is a beauty! Very nice shot VP.

  2. Always something to see down at the port, isn't there?

  3. This is a lovely photograph taken in wonderful light. 700 photos of the port? Organizing them was quite a project!

  4. Wonderful photo.
    There is visiting a lot of ships ... 700 !!
    It's really big harbour.

  5. I like the cute little PILOTA boat.
    Great light in the photo.
    The big cruise ships are probably very pretty big floating hotels...... Must be nice to have a bit of holiday left, before winter and cold days arrives.

  6. Something for everyone in this shot.
    Bravo for being all organized and available on Pinterest.

  7. Pretty active port, just like my PORTland.

  8. Another beautiful photo of the port with a wonderful light !
    Bravo for all the work on Pinterest.

  9. Lovely colours, lots to see!

    I've all but stopped pinning to VDP's board now. It is tedious...

  10. What an amazing collection of harbour shots VP, an excellent pictorial history of the comings and goings in the Port of Liverno!
