Thursday, October 9, 2014

More Raw Milk

Raw milk vending machine, piazza Damiano Chiesa, Livorno
The first raw milk vending machine I saw was four years ago in the Borgo dei Cappuccini neighborhood. This one is in Piazza Damiano Chiesa and you can have a liter of milk for one Euro. Bring your bottle or buy one on the spot.

See also: Raw Milk


  1. First of its like that I've seen.

  2. That's something I've never seen here.

  3. I had no idea there was such a thing.

  4. Did you try it? Was it good? Is the milk refrigerated at least?

  5. Even more surprising than milk in a vending machine (to me) is the fact that selling raw milk is legal there in Europe.

    Is it real full-fat milk?

    Yours is cheaper than a bag of Israeli pasteurized milk.
    Nice that you can bring your own bottle.

  6. Never seen one of these before. I would love to try it.

  7. We definitely don't have those here!

  8. I saw one of these machines in the Toscana years ago and I thought, in South Tyrol they will never appear... I was wrong...

  9. Raw milk is a bit controversial here in American. However, I would take full advantage of this machine!!!
