Monday, October 6, 2014

Buca del Grano

Buca del grano, grain pit, piazza dei Grani, Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno
For the first time I can show you a “buca del grano” (grain pit), a bricked interred silo of sorts, where once the grain was stored. There were many around here, and the place is still called “Piazza dei Grani” (Square of the Grains). Until last week the pit was covered by wild vegetation and completely hidden. It has been like that for four years...
Royal Landing, Scalo Regio and Duke's Gate, Porta del Duca, Fortezza Vecchia, Livorno
Just behind the skylight we can see the Scalo Regio: this was once the original entrance to the Porta del Duca, the main gate of the Fortezza Vecchia, on the other side of the canal. Then, a boat was towed back and forth to access the fortress, today the entrance is on the other side. It seems that a movable footbridge will be soon built here.

See also: Fortezza Vecchia - Piazza dei Grani - Scalo Regio - Porta del Duca
Search labels: Fortezza Vecchia


  1. Beautiful shots. The place feels like you could write a scene in.

  2. A grain pit! That's a vast improvement on what was looking like a greenhouse.
    And a bridge is coming? Things are moving in Livorno.

  3. Great post VP. Thank you. So interesting.

  4. Nice to see a grain pit, I have never seen one before.
