Friday, September 5, 2014


On the wooden fence of a construction site in Viale Caprera:
È triste morire in mare tra le onde di Yemanja, It is sad to die in the sea amid the waves of Yemanja, viale Caprera, Livorno
“È triste morire in mare tra le onde di Yemanja” (It is sad to die in the sea amid the waves of Yemanja)

Triglia, goatfish, viale Caprera, Livorno
A “triglia” or goatfish

External links: Yemaja (Wikipedia)
Search labels: mural


  1. From the happy expression on her face, I wouldn't expect the text to be about sadness and dying.

  2. Interesting message. Although she doesn't look too concerned about dying.

  3. The mermaid makes me smile instantly. I want to shout 'hurray'.

    I wouldn't want to die in the sea - but she has immunity.

    Here, there's a legend that mermaids lure sailors to their death by singing and combing their hair in view of the ship. Maybe that's what she has in mind.

  4. Thanks for opening my eyes about the Orisha through your link and mural.

  5. She might have seen the mermaid in Copenhagen?

  6. This was my culture minute. I had never heard of Yemanjas. But I like the fish much better!

  7. E così ho scoperto che esiste anche il popolo Yoruba e ho capito il perché del vudù! Ciao, Arianna

  8. Yemanja looks very thin... :-) I like the fish very much.
