Monday, September 22, 2014

More Road Machines

Ditch Witch horizontal directional drill, Livorno
Still about strange machines seen around town: here is a “Ditch Witch” horizontal directional drill.
Cold paint road marking machine, Porto Mediceo, Livorno
A simpler one: a cold paint road marking machine, in standby inside the Porto Mediceo.

External links: Ditch Witch (Wikipedia)
See also: Cold Milling Machines


  1. They even look noisy. I feel for the people in the neighborhood lacking sleep.

  2. The drilling machine keeps the roads from being torn up, and the painting machine is faster and more accurate than a guy with a brush for painting road markers. Interesting finds.

  3. I can practically hear the noise from here!

  4. I agree with Revrunner. I would feel sorry for the people in the neighborhood!

  5. oh gosh...they are in everywhere!That first one is huge! Here near my home they are working since months and the worse is about the traffic. :(
    15 minutes by bus to the city center, somedays it takes 1 hour!

  6. Very interesting post VP. Great subjects.

  7. That contraption in the second picture looks like it might be complicated to operate!

  8. Thanks for teaching all these machine names. My blog will be needing them; there is no end to road work.

  9. Here we had so many complaints, that a company had to pay for hotel rooms in the city, so the neighbours around the work place could stay there while the work was done at night......

    Well, I guess it will be fine when it is all done!
    I too can nearly hear the sound .... just reading about it.

  10. The streets of Livorno are refurbished...

  11. I have blogged about a ditch witch, that was years ago. I'm so more up to date than you are...
