Wednesday, September 17, 2014

LNG Express

LNG Express, MMSI 247296700, port of Livorno
The “LNG Express” is a high-speed service boat (25 knots) for the crew of the “FSRU Toscana” terminal, the controversial regasification plant anchored 22 km off the Tuscan coast.
LNG Express, MMSI 247296700, port of Livorno
The boat is a Damen Stan Tender 1905, owned by the Fratelli Neri S.p.A and on lease to the terminal.

See also: FSRU Toscana
External links: Stan Tender 1905 (Damen) - Damen Group (Wikipedia)


  1. Does sound like pretty risky business--the re-gasification.

  2. It does seem to moving at a pretty good speed!

  3. From the looks of her, she handles rough sea well.

  4. If I had to work on a regasification plant, I would like to have a high-speed boat to get away from it fast.
