Monday, September 29, 2014

Aquiloni in Festa

Aquiloni in Festa, Kites in Feast, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
“Aquiloni in Festa” (literally “Kites in Feast”) is an annual event at the Terrazza Mascagni.
Aquiloni in Festa, Kites in Feast, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
Last Sunday this festival of sorts attracted kite-flying lovers from the rest of Tuscany.
Aquiloni in Festa, Kites in Feast, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
It was a beautiful day, but a bit more wind would have been great.

See also: Terrazza Mascagni
Search labels: Terrazza Mascagni


  1. Love kite flies and festivals. Fun to see all the creative kinds of kites. The ones you show are great.

  2. I've never seen such beautiful and unusual kites!

  3. We have an annual kite festival where I live but never is there anything as spectacular as this. Unfortunately the chosen time of year here is when it is almost inevitably grey and cold and no guarantee of wind. Daft!

  4. owo, must be very interesting to watch :)

  5. Beautiful and creative kites!
    I like your photos of this event, especially the 1st one!

  6. Wonderful!
    I love all the bright colours and the BLUE sky!
