Friday, August 29, 2014

Standfast 50

Standfast 50 sailboat, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
A Standfast 50 sailboat in the waters of the Terrazza Mascagni.
Standfast 50 sailboat, Terrazza Mascagni, Livorno
Th 15-meter yacht is sailing under a conspicuous Dutch flag.
(Pictures taken last June)
Search labels: sailboat


  1. I noticed the flag after the letters NED on the sail, which have usually designated the Netherlands internationally. Terrific shots!

  2. Wonderful to see this boat close hauled with the wind full in the sails and a fine bow wake. This is how sail boats should be seen. Fine photos.

  3. The gray sky is perfect for these shots!
    I have never been on a yacht...

  4. I want to be sailing there. ;) Great photos! Thank you VP.

  5. It is a beautiful boat. I am embarrassed to admit that I have never learned to sail.

  6. Ah yes, yes, yes, that's perfect, never mind the conspicuous flag, I'm on!
