Sunday, August 31, 2014

Google Maps Camera Car

Google Maps Camera Car, piazza del Municipio, Livorno
Last Tuesday an unusual car was parked amid the vehicles of the Polizia Municipale (Municipal Police).
Google Maps Camera Car, piazza del Municipio, Livorno
It was a Google Maps Opel Astra with its 15-lens “camera”. Street View arrived in Livorno more than five years ago, as soon as they knew of our blog.
Google Maps Camera Car, piazza del Municipio, Livorno
The rig keeps the device at a height of 8.2 feet (2.5 m) and also features GPS units for tracking location, and laser range scanners that capture 3D models of the car’s surroundings.

External links: Google Street View (Wikipedia) - Secrets of a Google Street View car driver (Daily Mail)
See also: Window with a Heart


  1. You can't miss that thing driving past.

  2. I followed a Google Maps car on a highway in Florida, but its equipment looked different from yours.

  3. I wonder if it took your photo.

  4. Very cool to see the equipment up close. Amazing what it can do.

  5. I have followed one here in Stavanger. They drive fast!
    OK, then I will have to take a look to see if I see YOU and the camera too.

  6. I saw one this week outside the office. I'm probably going to be on there...

  7. Yep, we all know these are everywhere.

  8. Ohh che colpo! Io invece non l'ho mai vista, mannaggia! Arianna

  9. Glad you posted this, I haven't seen it before.
