Saturday, August 9, 2014

Effetto Venezia and Gaza

Banner Fermare il genocidio a Gaza, Israele vero terrorista, Stop the genocide in Gaza, Israel is the real terrorist, Effetto Venezia, Livorno
One of the treats of my “beloved” Effetto Venezia was this banner, put on display by some groups of the far left: “Fermare il genocidio a Gaza, Israele vero terrorista” (Stop the genocide in Gaza, Israel is the real terrorist). Our Jewish community protested in vain with the mayor, who also received a letter from the Israeli ambassador in Italy. The story is now national news, while on Thursday the city council has also debated a proposal for a twinning with Gaza. At last, the banner was removed yesterday.

External links: Livorno, lo striscione anti-Israele che il sindaco non vuole rimuovere - Striscione a Livorno anti-Israele: Sindaco: «Solo una frase generica» (Corriere della Sera, in Italian)
Search labels: Effetto Venezia


  1. It is an issue with very little middle ground, it seems.

  2. It's hard for me to understand how, when Hamas, which is a terrorist organization, has been rocketing Israel and terrorizing Israel for years, people would side with them.

    I think I would not take kindly to a terrorist organization sending rockets into our country, especially if that organization had, as part of its charter, a plan to totally destroy the United States and kill all of its people.

  3. More that 1000 innocent civilians dead in Gaza by now.

  4. To see what is happening in GAZA is horrible!!

    We have not learned much from the history!!!

  5. If the twinning really happens, maybe your city councilmen can go visit Gaza and bring that banner as a token of good will . . .

    Why are there no protests and banners against the REAL genocides going on at this very moment in Iraq, Mt. Sinjar, and Syria?

    And to the Stefans of the world I say, if even ONE Israeli were hit by each of the > 3,300 mortars, rockets, and missiles that the terrorists in Gaza have shot at us this last month, Israel would have 3,300 innocent civilians dead.
    If TWO per projectile, the total would be 6,600 Israeli Jews and Israeli Arabs killed.

  6. Ouch. People need to calm down a bit and use their brains...

  7. There was a protest by Muslims against Israel here in Berlin not long ago. You can imagine how that went over...

  8. It is very tempting for me to express my opinions here about Gaza and Israel, but it would serve no good purpose.
