Monday, July 7, 2014

Palio Marinaro 2014

Equipaggio del quartiere Venezia, porto di Livorno
This year, for various reasons, I missed all the races of our rowing season. The Trofeo D'Alesio didn't take place and I was busy elsewhere during my absolute favorite: the Coppa Risi'atori. I was never a great fan of the Coppa Barontini, not easy to watch at night, and you can really enjoy the Palio Marinaro only if you can see it from a boat. By the way, they also canceled the silly Palio dell'Antenna, so our rowing season ended yesterday with the third victory in three races for the Venezia. (Picture taken last June)

See also: Palio Marinaro - Trofeo D'Alesio - Coppa Risi'atori - Without Trofeo D'Alesio
Search labels: rowing


  1. The boat stands out nicely against that water.

  2. Looks like a lot of hard work.

  3. And you got a perfect shot! Well done!

  4. Sorry you missed it. But glad to hear of your city's victory!

  5. So each race has its own character.

    Better luck next year for your viewing.

  6. I have seen them training in Venice. STRONG men.
    Great action shot!

  7. Not so long ago, I enjoyed a sunset ride on a boat on Lake Wolfgang. This is a beautiful one, and a great sport!
