Sunday, June 15, 2014

More Cats of the Fortress

Cats, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
Here are a few more feline dwellers of the Fortezza Nuova.
Cats, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
They now seem to have got used to the presence of humans and dogs.
Cats, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
The cats are still quite wary of the omnipresent gulls.

See also: The Cats of the Fortress - Fortezza Nuova (2009)
Search labels: cat - Fortezza Nuova


  1. As they should be! !@#$ gulls! :-)

  2. Such utterly beautiful cats. Of course, being the ultimate form of life on the planet, they already know that.

  3. I see all of these cats posed for their portraits. All of them look very well fed even if they don't trust people.

  4. A fortress is an ideal place for cats :)

  5. I'll take that top one home with me.

  6. I hope you get to show us a cat/gull fight someday...

  7. Oh boy, we love kitties and if we didn't already have two, I'd be tempted to come over and take these home! :) Well, maybe that's a stretch but these are beautiful portraits of your furry friends!

  8. The cats really look like they own the place. :)
