Monday, May 26, 2014

Railway Faces

Platform roof faces, Livorno Centrale railway station
In 1910, when they built the railway station of Livorno Centrale, it was probably fashionable to put a series of faces like this one on the side of the platforms roof.
Platform roof faces, Livorno Centrale railway station
Smaller and sometimes not yet repainted heads are placed on the side of all the platforms roofs.
Platform roof faces, Livorno Centrale railway station
The bigger faces are present only on the elevated roof of the first track. By the way, this is the train that was carrying cieldequimer of Versailles Daily Photo and her friend Catherine to Livorno.

See also: Livorno Centrale - Livorno Train Station


  1. They look like real characters.

    I often look for the carved faces like that in places here.

  2. Those truly are Monday face. Not like mine though, I have the day off.

  3. :-) For some odd reason, I only have photos of the inside of the train! And thanks for pointing the faces out to us!

  4. Ciel, I was wandering if you have seen the faces! :-)

  5. After a look at these, I might want to take the bus.

  6. These faces are impressive!
    The comment of José made me laugh :)

  7. I do envy your trains very much! But, I wonder, why are the faces so angry?

  8. Scary faces but the train is beautiful. Wish I were on it.

  9. They don't look too happy! Is there some reason for that?

  10. Unusual. I wonder what the concept was. As others have asked, why so angry?
