Friday, May 2, 2014

La Bodeguita

VDP meets LDP, La Bodeguita, Livorno
After a few meetings in the Île-de-France and two more recent ones in Florence, Versailles Daily Photo and Livorno Daily Photo have finally met in our hometown. Cieldequimper and her friend Catherine made a day trip to Livorno to see the city, the port, the Terrazza Mascagni, and then to rest a bit at “La Bodeguita”, on a canal in the Venice quarter.

See also: LDP meets VDP - LDP & VDP - 14 juillet - VDP & LDP in Florence - VDP & LDP in Florence #2


  1. Oh how wonderful! I know you had fun.

  2. Isn't it great meeting blog friends? I've done that a couple if times and they are very rewarding experiences!

  3. It's nice to meet other bloggers.

  4. Wonderful! Two of my favorite blog writers.

  5. Travel is so wonderful, especially if there is someone waiting for you at the destination.

  6. Bello incontrarsi! Ciao, Arianna

  7. I am certain they liked your very fair city! And I hope that you all had better weather than I did in January!

  8. Oh, how wonderful!! It is indeed such fun to be able to meet fellow bloggers and share the beauty and the fun!! Thank you!!

  9. how fun! i love that the two of you posted the same photo too!
