Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A Longer Elba Pier

Works at Elba pier, port of Livorno
The 85-meter Elba pier is getting longer. Works in progress will add, in stages, 150 meters to the existing structure: in the end it will be even longer than the nearby 168-meter Capitaneria pier.

VDP & LDP in Florence #2

Via Venezia, Florencee
Second Florentine meeting between Versailles Daily Photo and Livorno Daily Photo...


  1. I really like how bright and colorful this shot is VP.

  2. Work never ends, I suppose. What draws my eyes is how dramatic the skies look.

  3. That must be fun to watch a pier being built. Always something to watch in a port city.

    My first 3 semesters of college were at Navy Pier in Chicago when the Univ. of Illinois was still there.
    Navy Pier is 1,010 meters long!
    I used to go out and watch the freight ships that docked on one side and dream about sailing away to another continent. That was after they opened the St. Lawrence Seaway that allowed ships from the Atlantic to enter the Great Lakes.

  4. That will be quite an accomplishment once the pier is finished. Looks like a storm was brewing that day!

  5. Great ideas being exchanged over those glasses of wine, I'm sure. :-)

  6. Didn't you take a doggy bag?

  7. Belli sia la foto che il pranzo! Ciao, Arianna

  8. No, no doggy bag. But we had a great time!
