Sunday, April 6, 2014

A Good Start

Fosso Reale and Dutch church, Livorno
I am not an optimist by nature, but it seems that something good is going to happen quite soon for our Dutch church.
Dutch church, Livorno
Yesterday, in an informal press conference inside the Mercato Centrale, a detailed plan to secure and partly restore the facade was announced, with works starting in the early summer.
Dutch church, Livorno
Funds are limited, but they probably would be enough at least to stop the decay of the building.

External links: Press release (Livorno delle Nazioni)
See also: Dutch church - Mercato Centrale
Search labels: Dutch church


  1. That's great, VP! Some of the architectural details look deserving of the effort and expense.

  2. Beautiful shot! And the sketches and fine details here make it look like the church is well worth it.

  3. I like the photo with the church in the distance.

    Congratulations to your friends and you for all the hard work to get the city interested in providing some funding.

  4. I can't wait to see it when it's finished.

  5. A good start is the half work!
    I like the first shot, it is very well composed!

  6. Yes, yes, yes!!! Excellent news. I hope the inside doesn't crumble totally though...

  7. That is wonderful news! Even if it takes years, this place is worth saving. :)

  8. Hallelujah! Just look what a few dedicated people can do!! You and your friends saved a little corner of the world, VP. We are proud of you.
    It is so encouraging.

  9. I went back and looked at your previous photos of this church. So sad. Hopefully, these plans will go ahead as conceived. It's a gorgeous structure and I'd think something of a Livorno icon.

  10. Good news are always good!:)
    I look forward to see it later.

  11. it's great if they can secure at least the starting funds!
