Saturday, March 22, 2014

Vegliaia Breakwater

Vegliaia breakwater, Livorno
The Vegliaia breakwater, an island of sorts in front of the Terrazza Mascagni, was built at the end of the 19th century with the aim to protect the southern entrance of the port of Livorno.

We would like to say hi to our friend Beata from Gliwice, in Poland. Yesterday we had the pleasure to meet her in Florence for a stroll and a chat over ice cream and coffee.

See also: Terrazza Mascagni - Rough Sea - Lisbon Express - Largo Bellavista


  1. Pretty. This breakwater must earn its keep during storms.

  2. I wonder what that Blue thing is.

  3. It's taking a battering!
    The shiny man-made "rocks" in the foreground--is that what you called "tetrapods" in an earlier post?

    Nice you could meet your blogger friend from Poland.

  4. I hope it does what it's supposed to.

  5. Choppy sea!

    Excellent that you got to meet!

  6. This photo is striking in that it transmits a feeling of the power of the ocean waters as they hit that breakwater. Plus it's so well-exposed and the colors are perfect.

  7. This is a beautiful and powerful shot VP. Love it.

  8. VP & Trillian! It was great to meet You in Florence! Thank You for a wonderfull afternoon :)))))

  9. I like to see the waves rolling over the stones of the shore.

    Bravo for your meeting! Nice to hear about fellow bloggers coming together, face-to-face.

  10. This is exactly what need in many places on our coast. If the next winters will be as bad as the last one, I don't know how we can handle it...
