Friday, March 7, 2014

St. Gregory Behind Barriers

Chiesa di san Gregorio Illuminatore, Saint Gregory the Illuminator, via della Madonna, Livorno
Safety barriers are everywhere around Livorno: usually to protect the passers-by from the fall of debris from derelict buildings. Also the church of Saint Gregory the Illuminator, in its own small way, has a few of them now...
By the way, the sign says: “Livorno, Città Storica delle Nazioni” (Livorno, Historical City of the Nations).

See also: Half a Church - Saint Gregory the Illuminator - Faith and Charity - Armenian Plaque


  1. Reminds me of our National Cathedral in D.C. where they've installed nets to catch stones that may have worked loose as a result of an earthquake.

  2. This is such a wonderful facade. It is heartbreaking that the structure is decaying so much. Sorry!

  3. That's such a beautiful church with gorgeous details...

  4. Yes, having that sign on a dangerous building is ironic.
    Maybe the Armenians can contribute to a restoration?

  5. I hope they are thinking of restoring this old church VP, would be such a shame to abandon it.

  6. Beautiful sculptures above the entrance, pity that the wall is crumbling, it would not take much to restore it...
