Monday, March 10, 2014

Cristofano Allori

Church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri, Pisa
The main altar of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri: on the left is visible “Il Martirio di Santo Stefano” (The Martyr of Saint Stephen), painted by Giorgio Vasari in 1571. The painting is actually under restoration.
Church of Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri, Pisa
On a part of the gorgeous panelled ceiling of the church we can see “The Embarkation of Maria de' Medici at Livorno”, painted by Cristofano Allori in 1604. A detail of the painting, showing a bastion of the Fortezza Vecchia, is visible here.

See also: Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri - Marie de' Medici - Fortezza Vecchia - Molo del Soccorso
External links: Santo Stefano dei Cavalieri - Giorgio Vasari - Cristofano Allori (Wikipedia)


  1. Very impressive interior of this church. How good it is being restored.

  2. That altar is just stunning. Great that it is being restored.

  3. I was wondering if we would go inside. I'm very glad we did.

  4. Very pretty- lots of gold- a very different style to what you will find here up in the north.

    I am going to Rome in September, and I will make sure we take a few more days off work, so we can explore Italy a bit more. I am already looking forward to it.

  5. I like the unusual way of the organ disposition!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. A stunning altar and I like also the panelled ceiling!

  8. Un angolo di Livorno da scoprire! Ciao, Arianna

  9. Very much an Italian church. I always love seeing how fancy they are!

  10. Livorno on the magnificent ceiling!
