Sunday, February 9, 2014

January Walk

It has been a long time since my last walk and probably some of you do not even remember what kind of walk this was. I like to wander about the streets of Livorno in the early Sunday afternoon, when almost everybody is still at home, and most of the pictures you see here are taken during these walks. There was a time when, mostly on Monday, I posted four or five photos following an itinerary, a story or a pretext. It ended because I exhausted almost every possible route and there was not much to photograph anymore. Last January I ended up in a part of Livorno where I had never set foot before, so here is one more walk, the first and probably the last of 2014. If you like the experience, here are ninety more...
Apartment building, via Giuseppe Maria Terreni, Livorno
An apartment building in Via Giuseppe Maria Terreni.
Platform with antennas, via Giuseppe Maria Terreni, Livorno
A strange platform with antennas in the same street.
VP monogram on a facade, via Giuseppe Maria Terreni, Livorno
Still in via Giuseppe Maria Terreni, a “VP” monogram on a facade.
Dragon painted in gold on a front door, via Paolo Lilla, Livorno
On a front door in Via Paolo Lilla this dragon has been painted gold.
Lovely balcony, via del Mandorlo, Livorno
And to conclude our walk, a lovely balcony in Via del Mandorlo.

More Walks


  1. The artistry on your walk improved as you went along. I like the gold dragon on the door, and I LOVE the wonderful pottery on the balcony. Italy makes the best pottery in the world.

  2. I agree with everything Jack said in his comment. Thanks for the walk!

  3. You found some interesting things on your walk. I like that time of day too.

  4. It's exciting to walk in a place you have never been before. And here you really made some unusual discoveries.
    Maybe the VP monogram was your reward for venturing into that street.

  5. I especially like the fourth one. Have a great Sunday!

  6. These are great VP. I miss your walks. I spent sometime exploring Livorno via Google maps.

  7. I miss your walks too, and that VP was probably an invitation to start again! Though the building in the first photo isn't in itself particularly lovable, it looks good in your photo!

  8. Interesting series, love the antennas and obviously the VP.

  9. Now that you mention it, I have missed the walks. Glad you took this last one at least. I think the VP is the best find. Although I really like the dragon too.

  10. You had a highly productive walk. The doorway with VP is perfect. They must have known you were coming, and the dragon is fine also.

  11. Must be fun to check out unknown pars of town.

  12. Many beautiful details in this series.
