Monday, February 3, 2014

Homage to Friends from Montparnasse

In 1961 Marie Vorobieff, known as Marevna, painted “Homage to Friends from Montparnasse”, a Cubist recollection of the artists of the Parisian scene of the 1910s. We can see (top left to right) Diego Rivera, Ilya Ehrenburg, Chaim Soutine, Amedeo Modigliani, Jeanne Hébuterne, Max Jacob, Léopold Zborowski. On the bottom left sits the artist herself with her daughter Marika Rivera, on the right Moïse Kisling with a cat.

External links: Diego Rivera - Ilya Ehrenburg - Chaim Soutine - Amedeo Modigliani - Jeanne HébuterneMax Jacob - Léopold Zborowski - Marie Vorobieff - Marika Rivera - Moïse Kisling (Wikipedia)
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