Friday, February 28, 2014

Bike Sharing

At last, someone noticed our very expensive and practically unused bike-sharing bicycles: nobody uses them, but some thieves broke a couple of racks stealing five bikes.
This happened in Piazza del Municipio, just in front of the central municipal police station and Town Hall.
Considered that almost everybody can afford at least an used bike, the money for this project would have been better spent on fighting bicycle theft, the real reason why a lot of people do not use a bike in town. But “repression” is not fashionable...

See also: Five-Thousand-Euro Bicycles - Waste of Money - A Diabolical Endeavour
- Piazza del Municipio - Town Hall
Search labels: bicycle art


  1. Too bad that bicycle theft is such a problem.

  2. Though most people here could afford at least an used bike, they would not know where to store it and therefore use Vélib'... Others prefer to use Vélib' after their own bikes have been stolen a few times...

  3. "Bike-sharing"? Could they not make up a word in Italian?

  4. ciel - Exactly my point!
    Dina - Condivisione biciclette? It doesn't sound right...

  5. Politics and fashion my dear friend.

  6. Bike-sharing is popular in some cities with which I am familiar, but I don't know how the economics have worked out.

  7. I would have thought bike sharing would have been the best way to go VP, then if the bike gets stolen its not a personal but council problem no ?
