Sunday, November 10, 2013

Mak Π 100

Mak Pi 100 vintage postcard, Naval Academy of Livorno
Mak Π 100 is a sort of prom, but typical only of military schools: in this case the Accademia Navale (Naval Academy) of Livorno. Looking at this 1917 postcard, the young officers seem happy to leave the school and even happier to embark on a battleship to take part in the First World War.
(Postcard digitized from the collection of Antonio Cantelli)
External links: Prom (Wikipedia)
Search labels: cartolina


  1. The story is well told in the artwork. What an interesting image.

  2. Not your everyday postcard, for sure.
    I always wonder about that, men eager to join combat units, young men rushing off to fight other young men.

  3. Yes, they were happy. They soon stopped being happy...

  4. I'm with Ciel, but it's a great postcard anyway.
