Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Bus on Fire

Burned bus, via Magenta, Livorno
Last Sunday a bus took fire in Via Magenta and this is what was left of its back.
Burned bus, via Magenta, Livorno
In the early afternoon the bus was still waiting for removal...
Burned bus, via Magenta, Livorno
... which happened just while I was passing by.

See also: Fire - Pilotina DueTheme Day: My Street


  1. Looks like an engine fire. It can be repaired and put back into service. Dramatic photos.

  2. You had better luck than the bus.
    So glad you got these once-in-a-lifetime (let's hope) photos.
    For me it is unusual to see a burned bus being towed that was not the result of a bomb.

  3. I hope no one was hurt and I hope it was accidental...

  4. Good that "Antoni" turned up.
    Hopefully no one were hurt!
    Looks quite dramatic.

  5. Hope it was not intentionally set on fire. I saw broken down buses being towed all the time in Toronto. I have never seen that in any other city.

  6. Oh, my. Not good. Good documentary, though.

  7. this is happening dozens of times every day to buses, trucks, cars, - all have very flammable components & fuels. The theory and daily updates are posted @ the site jumpingjackflashhypothesis.blogspot.com - you'll be shocked that this is happening with increasing frequency everyday

  8. Scary stuff. Good reporting from the man at the scene!

  9. E' il caso di dire: bojadeh! Meno male non è successo nulla di grave...ciao, Arianna
