Saturday, November 23, 2013

Baby Girl and Dog

Cesare Zocchi (Florence, 1851 – Turin, 1922) was a sculptor of some renown in the late years of the 19th century. He is the author of the monument to Giuseppe Garibaldi in Florence (1890) and of the statue of Vittorio Emanuele II in Pisa (1892).
Bambina su seggiolone e cane, Baby girl in a high chair and dog by Cesare Zocchi, Biblioteca dei Ragazzi, Children's Library, Villa Fabbricotti, Livorno
A quite different work of the same sculptor, “Bambina su seggiolone e cane” (Baby girl in a high chair and dog), sits at the entrance of the “Biblioteca dei Ragazzi” (Children's Library).

See also: Biblioteca dei Ragazzi


  1. Maybe sweet, but really the highchair would tip over!

  2. Something is going to happen here soon....

    Love the Italian names. They sounds like music:)

    Happy weekend!

  3. Nice and sweet sculpture, but who has broken her arm?

  4. This piece is awesome! It must have been quite some work, can you imagine get this out of the stone? :)
    God bless you!

  5. Such nice detail. Be careful little girl!
