Thursday, October 24, 2013

Grey Heron

Grey heron, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
Around here it is unusual to see birds other than gulls, pigeons or sparrows. I was quite surprised to catch this heron, standing in the grass outside the Fortezza Nuova.
Grey heron, Fortezza Nuova, Livorno
It was a rainy afternoon and almost dark and I saw it only because a friend called my attention to it.

External links: Grey Heron (Wikipedia)
See also: Fortezza Nuova


  1. Very much like our Great Blue Heron.

  2. I see herons much like this often in Florida and a little less often in Connecticut. They are stately, aren't they?

  3. Excellent photos! I love herons...I have seen a few here and there in Montreal, but not often. They are not easy to photograph because they are great at hiding and are still like robots. Thank you so much for sharing!

  4. How exciting to see a new bird. Beautiful pictures, with flowers even, came from that rainy dark afternoon.

  5. No, VP. There are lots of them around but they value their privacy so they don't show themselves to you! ;-)

    Excellent shots. I wonder if there are ever any in Versailles...

  6. wow love this adorable bird. Herons are gorgeous birds and you got wonderful portraits!
    Great find!

  7. Nice capture VP. I don't get to see them too often around DC.

  8. This is a surprise, VP!
    What a lucky scene in a rainy afternoon...
