Saturday, September 21, 2013

Watching Over

Votive image of Our Lady, Livorno
A new apartment building was built on a vacant lot on the corner of Via della Venezia with Viale Caprera. This half-broken votive niche was restored in the process. “Mi posero a custodia del quartiere” translates as “They placed me here to watch over the neighborhood”. Considered the night life in the area she could use the help of a couple of patrol cars.


  1. I guess the night life will keep her busy.

  2. Glad it was saved. The neighborhood sounds quite interesting so I hope that she's up to the task.

  3. It's so nice that it was restored and kept on the wall. Hopefully Mary will show her gratitude to the neighborhood.

  4. Beautiful votive niche and lovely image.

  5. Certo che le pattuglie di questi tempi ne hanno un gran bisogno...ciao, Arianna

  6. Although I am not religious I'm glad they kept the niche.
