Monday, August 5, 2013

Old Silos

Old silos, Porto Mediceo, Livorno
You may have already noticed this decrepit bulding lurking in the background of pictures of ferries and cruise ships. This is one of our most conspicuous cases of decay: a group of old silos inside the Porto Mediceo which is hardly a welcoming sight for any tourist coming from the sea.
Vecchi sili, Porto Mediceo, Livorno
Some wanted to tear down the building, others would have liked to transform it in a hotel: it would obviously stay there forever...


  1. Kind of looks like something out of Star Wars.

  2. A very industrial looking building and not attractive at all.

  3. Great photos of a not so attractive structure.

  4. I don't see that as a hotel. It is either going to stay as it is and continuing to deteriorate, or someone is going to start hanging advertising signs off it.

  5. Like most buildings, I think that it could be transformed into something more attractive, the location is certainly perfect for a hotel. But if they don't, then tear it down...

  6. At least they are good for holding up antennas.

  7. Non รจ certo una gran bellezza...speriamo che lo recuperino e ne facciano qualcosa di bello. Ciao, Arianna

  8. It would be a great project if developed and turn into a hotel.

  9. Not a welcoming sight indeed...
    This looks like the the building of the prison of Bolzano.

    RE to your comment on BDP: German is one thing, South Tyrolean dialect another ... :)

  10. Would have been a perfect location to do some filming..
