Monday, August 19, 2013

Gorgona's Wine

Flights landing to Pisa usually approach the airport from the sea and the first sign of the coast is this view of the island of Gorgona, our island prison and now a quality vineyard. Check the following piece of news and, if you like, follow the link below for the whole article.
Island of Gorgona seen from a plane, Livorno
“High on a hillside overlooking the azure sea on a small Mediterranean island, two brawny men toil under the sun in a vineyard that has just released a 50-euro ($66) wine destined for the tables of top restaurants. This is not an exclusive wine estate or secluded retreat for the rich, despite the tranquil beauty. It is, rather, the residence of men serving long sentences for some of Italy's most notorious and brutal crimes, on an island named after monstrous sisters in Greek mythology with snakes for hair.
Gorgona, the smallest of the Tuscan archipelago that also includes Elba, where Napoleon was incarcerated, is home to a project to rehabilitate hardened criminals through agriculture.”

See also: Island Prison - Gorgona
External links: Gorgona - Tuscan Archipelago (Wikipedia)
Search labels: Gorgona


  1. Seems like a good use for an island. But would you want to drink the wine grown by Italy's most notorious criminals? Hmm . . .

  2. What an interesting piece of land.

  3. Alternatives to prison can be interesting...

  4. It's really interesting!The overview image is awesome!

  5. Wow, interesting info. Of course, I thought of the famous Alcatraz when I read this post.

    Duncan In Kuantan

  6. This is so fascinating! Many Manila residents would envy the prisoners on this island. It looks so beautiful from here.

  7. Very interesting and what a fabulous shot!

  8. This whole concept makes me wish we (Israel) had some islands.

    It's a beautiful picture.

  9. Beautiful photo VP!
    Too bad it's a prison and not a tourist paradise.

  10. This is such an interesting story. I suppose working in a vineyard is far better than some other incarceration possibilities.

  11. Gosh that was interesting of the things I enjoy most about blogging is finding out facts like this..
