Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Coro Garibaldi d'Assalto

Last Friday the “Coro Garibaldi d'Assalto” (Garibaldi Assault Choir) was ready to salute the marchers of ARTEesistenza on their arrival in Piazza Cavour. The repertoire of the group comprises Tuscan folk music and songs of struggle and protest from the Risorgimento to the Resistenza.
Coro Garibaldi d'Assalto, piazza Cavour, Livorno
The group was formed last Autumn after a series of lessons about folk singing at El Chico Malo social center. Pardo Fornaciari, political activist, musician and singer-songwriter, is the creator and leader of the choir.
Coro Garibaldi d'Assalto, piazza Goldoni, Livorno
The choir accompanied our demonstrators from Piazza Cavour to the Goldoni Theater and parted after a last performance of “Bella ciao”.

See also: ARTEesistenza
External links: Coro Garibaldi d'Assalto - Testimoniare cantando (Documentary in Italian)


  1. Probably very good for you to sing in a choir. Always enjoyable to hear people who can, sing.

  2. There seem to be so many complaints these days that the choir could sing every day.

  3. Wearing red and ready to sing.

  4. What a wonderful story. Good on them.

  5. Well thank you. Now I'm going to hum Bella ciao all day long...

  6. From simple beginnings: new life!

  7. Already the name says a lot :)
    Nice photos, VP!
