Saturday, June 15, 2013

Swedes in Livorno

Detail of the tomb of the Swedish consul Peter Wilhelm Törngren, Old English Cemetery, Livorno
A detail of the tomb of the Swedish consul Peter Wilhelm Törngren (Stockholm, 1733 - Livorno, 1800).

Thanks to the usual courtesy of our friend Matteo Giunti we have been back in the Old English Cemetery: the occasion was the visit of a fellow blogger from Stockholm, Catharina, who has already been in Livorno last April. She publishes Florensics, a blog mostly about Florence, but with some interesting intermissions: Livorno is one of these. Chiara Scura is another blog of her with beautiful images, but the text is in Swedish.

See also: Catharina's Livorno
External links: Florensics - Chiara Scura (in Swedish)


  1. I very much like the detail in this stonework. I don't usually see that in my small town area.

  2. Is that dragon really biting the other animal?! oi
    Glad we can get these insider photos of the cemetery. Nice of you to show Catharina the treasures of Livorno.
    I see from her blog they she really loves Livorno.

  3. Beautiful detail. The man lived to a nice old age. And beautiful blogs!

  4. Thank you again for taking me to the cemetery and around town. As Dina says, I do love Livorno! More people should come and discover this place! :-)
